Classes Bíblicas 🔥

Ajuda com Pesquisar cursos
Course Image Alpha Atitude Canada (Português)


Bem-vinda(o) ao Alpha. Uma maneira simples, dinâmica, mas profunda de compartilharmos a Palavra de DEUS através de estudos da bíblia em um formato moderno e acessível a todos.

Queremos aproveitar este tempo de grandes mudanças que a humanidade está passando para estar ainda mais pertinho de você. Seja pessoalmente em nossa igreja, seja no seu notebook ou até mesmo em seu smartphone, somos a sua família em Vancouver, caminhando com você !

Que Deus abençoe a sua vida, sua casa e sua família e que o Espírito Santo abra a sua mente  o coração para ser fortalecido pelo poder da Palavra dEle em você e através de você!

Pastor Max Ferreira

Course Image Alpha - English

Thank you so much for joining us for Alpha!

For additional support as you run Alpha,

1. Make your screen name your real name! (First name and last initial are fine.) While having “Captain Awesome” in the group would be..well awesome, it doesn’t help people to get to know each other. Alpha Online! Welcome to Thank you so much for joining us for Alpha!

2. Turn on your video and audio; seeing each other is important. The Gallery View will let you see everyone one the call to help keep conversation going.

3. Join from a quiet location if you can. 5. Whenever you can, keep your mic unmuted during discussion times (unless you have to be in a noisy setting). Mute your mic while the video is being shared. 6. If you’re using a virtual background, please don’t select one with movement or change it during the discussion. This will help others stay focused. Each session we will have some fun, watch an episode of Alpha together, and then have a short discussion to hear what everyone thinks about it. We want this to be an amazing experience for everyone involved. Here are our top suggestions for participating in Alpha online:

4. If you’re joining on video, join in with your attention too! Avoid doing other activities. You wouldn’t work out or play Fortnite or work out during Alpha in person; the same idea applies online! Group Guidelines: • We’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts, but you don’t have to talk.

• Any question or comment is welcome, though please be brief so everyone has the opportunity to share. • Let’s respect each other by listening and accepting different opinions. • Please keep the info shared here confidential when you leave this group.